I've been reading the blog, "Scooter in the Sticks", sole inspiration for this blog. Steve Williams writing and photography work in unison. His images and descriptions of riding in rural Pennsylvania create a longing in my heart for slower, simpler times.
I've yet to get away from the city on my Et4. It seems there is always something holding me here. Fortunately, I can read Scooter in the Sticks and experience some of what i'm missing... even if vicariously.
Though I've not taken a formal photo class, I learned to shoot using an old Nikon FE2. I loved that camera, easy to use, simple, taught me a little about how to take a good picture. I traded it for a Nikon 6006 for the auto focus (my eyes needed a little help). The auto camera just isn't as good as the old mechanical one. I miss it.
After spending more money on film and developing than I can admit to, I finally left the film world. After much research on the internet, visiting camera shops until they started giving me dirty looks, and generally making myself a nuisance, I settled on a panasonic fxo1. I was impressed with the Leica lens (24mm - really wide) and a 16x9 size photo for landscapes. It doesn't do so well on auto, but allows me enough manual function and freedom to take better shots than I ever have.
Perhaps my favorite shot taken with the fxo1.
Steve's photography centers the reader. My senses are swept into the rural Pennsylvania he documents so reflectively. One can almost feel the cool, wet fog on their skin, smell the sweet river water, hear the buzz of cicada...
I'll be inspired to move from the city one of these days..perhaps this week will be my get away.
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