Nearly a month and a half have gone by without a post on Scooter in the Surf. The ET4 was in the shop at Motorsport Scooters for a cylinder 187 kit upgrade. Since then, I've been taking it easy, although trying to run the motor at various rpms. As expected, the kit bumped acceleration up considerably. Top speed increases are still uncertain, but I'll give it time. The acceleration is strong from a stop all the way up to about 65 (indicated). Before the kit, acceleration fell off at about 50 or so.
I'm pleased with the results and the scooter is now a blast to ride anywhere. Mods can get expensive, so I'll likely take a break from pouring money into it. If I want faster, I guess I could just buy a used GT200 or GTS, even another motorcycle. But I find a charm in being small... just enough speed to get myself, a passenger, and some groceries around town.
Like many two wheeled riders, I find myself riding alone most the time. As the cool air flows past me, I unwind. Worries about work, home, finances, ex's, kids, etc, evaporate temporarily. Things become clear and simple. I can focus on that one thing... like Curly from "City Slickers" taught.
Now, I feel tired and dehydrated. My 9th and 8th grade classes may have the better of me... they are smarter, younger, more energetic, and have time to kill. I'm just old. But I have the Vespa and a ride sounds pretty good right now.
See ya
Friday, September 14, 2007
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
MODS - and it begins
Today, I went to Motorsport Scooters to get a Haynes manual for my ET4 and decided to answer that nagging to Mod I've been lately experiencing. Several chaps were there I hadn't met yet and they invited me in for the nickel tour! I was amazed at the row upon row of vespa parts, new and old (and I didn't even take a peek into the warehouse).
The garage is clean and tidy, with a few bikes parked in a row for service, etc. They bought a GT 60 and have been working on it, getting to know what makes it tick and how to best enhance performance. Apparantly, they do that with all their bikes to get intimate with them.
Parked behind the garage were a row of the new Lambretta Unos, both red and white. They are ready to roll. The Lamby is a Tiawanese bike rebadged with the legendary scooter marquee, and have stirred up some controversy in the vintage scooter scene. By the looks of it, it is another very well made, quality bike similar to Kymco, Sym, etc. The price is ridiculously low, less thana used Vespa ET4 is good condition. 3K out the door will have you driving the new lamby!
In the garage, a Gilera Runner 180 was parked - it looks fast when it isn't even running! If the Lamby looked anything like the Gilera, I would have traded in my ET right then and there...
BUT... I do love the graceful lines on the ET4, and choose to have the Malossi 187kit installed next week. I can't wait to feel the acceleration improvements!
I do love my bike, but the new Lamby might have me making room for another!
Monday, July 16, 2007
Hollywood land
Hollywood Boulevard symbolizes many of the hopes and dreams contained in the American experience. And perhaps nowhere contains those familiar movie images better than the Hollywood wax Museum.
All in all, it was a fun two-day trip. The ride up to Santa Monica, Hollywood, and home again allowed us the opportunity to see, smell, and hear the California Coast in a way we could not in a car with windows rolled up, radio blasting, air conditioner blowing. I can't wait for the next trip, perhaps to Mexica, Canada, Montana, or...where ever the wind blows me.
Santa Monica Cafe Chic
Friday, July 13, 2007
The Route to Hollywood
Hollywood is about 150 miles from San Diego... if you take Interstate 5 north all the way up there. And although I don't mind the occassional on & off freeway trips, a hundred miles or so on a Vespa Et4 is too much for me. As I planned our route, I thought of the beautiful coastal roads along San Diego and Orange counties. The photo opportunities abound... if you stop long enough to take a thoughtful picture. As it turned out, my girlfriend took most of the coastal pictures as we headed back home from Hollywood - I left the camera in the top box on the trip North - my thoughts were on getting a feel for the Vespa's long distance capabilities; my ears were tuned to every little gurgle; feathering the throttle to get every little bit out of her; keeping a close eye on the mirrors, cars in front, back, side, etc... Back to the route...
Since we left in the early afternoon, I decided to take the 5 freeway all the way north through Camp Pendleton. The marine base sits on the coast smack between San Diego and Orange counties. The only way through it is via Interstate 5.
The ride through San Diego County was characterized by short, fast runs of a few miles and stop & go traffic commuters moving 20 - 40 mph - no problem. Just past Oceanside, the traffic took off and the little Vespa 150 motor struggled to keep up. A stiff headwind, two-up weight, and a gradual climb through the coastal ranges kept us between 55 and 60mph nearly the entire 10 or so miles to San Clemente. More than once, California highway patrolmen paced me... but never pulled me over. At a minimum, the Vespa held the speed limit - for tractor-trailors.
Once we passed the marine base, we stopped for gas in San Jaun Capistrano. As I was filling the tank, (took all of 2 minutes), the attendent met us at the pump with a very determined look in his eyes,
"Couldn't help but admire the Vespa. You guys from around here?"
"No, we just came up from San Diego", I replied.
He thought a moment, mouth agape and arms akimbo.
"San Diego?" "How fast will that thing do? What size motor is it anyway?"
I explained that the 150 Vespa Et4 was freeway legal, although it does struggle to meet freeway speeds. He told me his 'Vespa story' from years ago, and shared his enthusiasm for the modern models. He insisted that we take his phone number, call his wife, and confirm Vespa suitability for urban commuting. This wouldn't be the last conversation initiated by the Vespa.
From San Jaun Capistrano's El Camino Real, we headed north onto Highway 1. This fabled coastal road isn't really a highway at all. It is characterized by coastal stretches of several fast miles and punctuated by stoplights through the so-called beach towns. Some of the names are well known like Redondo, Santa Monica, Newport, Hermosa, etc. and all are quite beautiful if expensive communities. In spite of the gargantuan Los Angeles on their doorstep, the beach towns have maintained an identity apart from their giant neighbor.
Long Beach has been, as long as I remember it having lived there in the early 80's, an eyesore. Imagine the dissapointment of having just traveled through the beautiful and swank beach cities and abruptly being presented with an industrial wasteland. Petrochemical plants stretch from the coast and inland several miles, placing an ugly scab on an otherwise lovely land. The smell was nearly unbearable. I'm sure the residents get used to it, but I almost wished I were in a car to escape from the odor of multi-dozen oil plants burning their sulfurous mixures.
Once through Long Beach, the scenary quickly beautifies and we scootered through Hermosa Beach, Redondo Beach, and Manhatten Beach before arriving at out hotel in Santa Monica. It was a long ride up from San Deigo. We left San DIego at about 3:30pm and arrived at Santa Monica at 8:00 for a total of 150 miles in four and a half hours. Of course, we could have shortened the ride by taking the highway all the way up, but that misses the point. Truly, the destination is only an excuse for the journey... at least this time. In the meantime, we needed to recover overnight from what can only be described as monkeybutt.
Monday, July 9, 2007
Getting Away
I've been reading the blog, "Scooter in the Sticks", sole inspiration for this blog. Steve Williams writing and photography work in unison. His images and descriptions of riding in rural Pennsylvania create a longing in my heart for slower, simpler times.
I've yet to get away from the city on my Et4. It seems there is always something holding me here. Fortunately, I can read Scooter in the Sticks and experience some of what i'm missing... even if vicariously.
Though I've not taken a formal photo class, I learned to shoot using an old Nikon FE2. I loved that camera, easy to use, simple, taught me a little about how to take a good picture. I traded it for a Nikon 6006 for the auto focus (my eyes needed a little help). The auto camera just isn't as good as the old mechanical one. I miss it.
After spending more money on film and developing than I can admit to, I finally left the film world. After much research on the internet, visiting camera shops until they started giving me dirty looks, and generally making myself a nuisance, I settled on a panasonic fxo1. I was impressed with the Leica lens (24mm - really wide) and a 16x9 size photo for landscapes. It doesn't do so well on auto, but allows me enough manual function and freedom to take better shots than I ever have.
Perhaps my favorite shot taken with the fxo1.
Steve's photography centers the reader. My senses are swept into the rural Pennsylvania he documents so reflectively. One can almost feel the cool, wet fog on their skin, smell the sweet river water, hear the buzz of cicada...
I'll be inspired to move from the city one of these days..perhaps this week will be my get away.
Saturday, July 7, 2007
Windscreen Results
Before heading out today, I took my time along the San Diego River, where it pours out into the Pacific Ocean. It's a marsh land corraled by Seaworld Drive to the North and Sports Arena Blvd to the South. In the early morning, seabirds glide over the tidal waters as they move up the river until they find a spot of muddy bank or sand bar to flap and jump on. This picture is late morning, I don't know the tidal schedules today, but the river is only a thin blue ribbon making its way west. Tall march grasses provide cover for countless birds and others. But I should discuss my test.
Traveling south on the 163 from clairemont to mission valley, and then west onto interstate 8. The 163 south is relatively flat and then it drops into a valley. On the flatter part of the 163, my Et4 accelerated normally up to it's "plateau" speed, about 55 (indicated). After that, speed rises smoothly up to 65, acceleration slowly continued past 70mph. Once I hit the drop down into mission valley, speed increased until I felt what might be the rev limiter (someplace between 70 and 75). Maybe it isn't a rev limiter, but it felt and sounded like the motor stopped pulling until speed dropped just under 70, then the motor began pulling again.
Moving down into the valley, I had to brake for traffic.
The 163 ramp to the 8 involves a grade, I'm not sure how much. Traffic required that I slow to about 60 (indicated). The Et4 held that speed up the short grade and onto the 8 West. Speed climbed to 65+ and stayed there. An onshore head-wind held me at that speed. I exited onto Rosecrans street, satisfied with the run.
At the stoplight, a humungous pickup dually truck pulled up next to me and an older gentleman started shouting at me. I couldn't hear so flipped up my visor. He was smiling, "What size motor is that thing!", he yelled over the noise of traffic. I smiled back and said,"It's a 150 Vespa!" His smile broadened and he shook his head. The truck made a right turn on the red light (legal in California), and I could see the driver having an animated discussion with his passenger.
My light changed green. I was glad to be riding a Vespa.
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